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Meaning of "Mountain"

Mountains are vital for good Feng Shui in the environment and signify the source of heaven luck. They also provide stunning support and backing, anchoring you firmely and preventing you from being sweptt away by misfortune, bad luck or betrayal.

Mountain are classifield as one of the Celestial Creatures – Black Tortoise which should be located at your back.

A solid mountain behind you gives you support and protection and helps to get your work and efforts recognized. This mountain holds a massive cache of gold signifying immense success accompanied by rich rewards. The orange-yellow combination in this painting makes it most beneficial in the southwest, northeast and central grids of the office.

A solid mountain or range of mountains behind you in your office gives you support from your boss and your colleagues, protection against office politics and helps get your work and efforts recognized. The gold colour of the mountain bring signify immense success accompanied by rich rewards. It is very auspicious symbol for all career-minded people. They should have in the office the picture of a mountain behind them where they sit in the office.

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